Ok, this works for now. I added some looping and here's waht I came up

<cfloop index = "offset" from="0" to="12">
<cfset offsetDate = DateAdd("m", offset, Now())>
     <cfif offsetDate eq Now()>
             <td width="43%" class="nbheader"> 
         Fiction #year(offsetDate)#</td></tr>
     <cfif month(offsetDate) eq 1>
        <td width="43%" class="nbheader"> 
         Fiction #year(offsetDate)#</td>
      <td width="43%" class="copyTeal">#DateFormat(offsetDate, "mmmm
yyyy")#</td> </tr> </cfloop> 

Now, I wonder if it will work for a different month than September..

Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer 
The Children's Medical Center 
One Children's Plaza 
Dayton, OH 45404 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/24/02 20:23 PM >>>
> And here you're saying, if the resulting month is January, print the
> heading.

Exactly! Let us know if you have any problems. 

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