Hi everyone,

I am developing a sales thing for our reps and I got yanked off a project to
do it and my brain is fuzzy.

I have a column that gets returned that is titled Hot (a bit field in a SQL
2K DB). This column has checkboxes that can be checked so that the DB will
flag them for future contact. The check box contains a dual value: 1, and
the PK. So what I would like to do is when the check box is checked, set the
Hot field to 1 for that particular record. My problem is that both values
are numbers and not text.

I am also unsure of how to accomplish this if someone selects like 20
checkboxes. I would need to update all associated records.


Here is my VERY feabile attempt thus far. I just wanted to make sure the
records were coming back correctly. I haven't started the update to the DB
yet. So advice there would be greatly appreciated as well.

<cfset x = ListToArray(hot,  ",") >
<CFLOOP From = "1" TO = "#ArrayLen(x)#" INDEX = "Counter">
 <cfoutput><LI> #Counter#: #ListGetAt(x, Counter)#</cfoutput>

The error I get:
      Error Diagnostic Information

      An error occurred while evaluating the expression:

#ListGetAt(x, Counter, ",")#

      Error near line 54, column 29.

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