Got it -- sorry -- it was the use of cf_inputfilter that was messing it up.


-----Original Message-----
From: Caulfield, Michael 
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 9:38 AM
To: Cf-Talk (E-mail)

While using standard code to upload files to the server, I am receiving the
following message:

The form field specified in the CFFILE tag (FILE) does not contain an
uploaded file. Please be sure that you have specified the correct form field

I have tried stripping down the upload code to its essentials, even copying
in a Forta example, but still the same message.

The code was originally working, and just suddenly started to give me the
error message. We are using 4.5.1 on an NT server, with IE 5.0/5.5 as

Any ideas/workarounds?

Michael Caulfield.
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