I'm assuming this is a link somewhere in some content you're cfhttp-ing, or
you'd just use url.pCode.

pcode = rereplacenocase(url, ".*pcode=([^&]+).*", "\1")

Happy regexing.

  --Ben Doom
    Programmer & General Lackey
    Moonbow Software

: -----Original Message-----
: From: Cantrell, Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 5:38 PM
: To: CF-Talk
: Subject: please do my work for me
: I want to extract a value from a URL variable which can show up
: anywhere in
: the URL. Here are some examples, I would want the pCode value which will
: always be an integer of varying length:
: index.htm?var1=23&pCode=100&othervar=hello -------- return 100
: index.htm?pCode=1 ------- return 1
: index.htm?someVariabl=hiThere&someothervariable=45&pCode=00343223234322
: --------- return 00343223234322
: If somebody can tell me the right regular expression (or if a regular
: expression isn't even needed, but just some combination of CF functions)
: that would be GREAT!
: Adam.
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