Katrina, I posted this a ways back:

One way to have client vars "expire" is to check to run simple check within
the application.cfm file. The following code checks if a user is logged in
(IsLoggedIn <> 0), and if the value of the IsloggedIn client variable is no
older than 20 minutes. If the client.IsLoggedIn variable is older than 20
minutes the user gets booted to the login screen. If the client Var is less
than 20 minutes it gets reset to the current time, essentially giving the
user another 20 minutes on the system. This code needs to run on every
page ie. application.cfm,app_globals.cfm.

<!--- update client.islogged in on each page with the current date and time
if the current value is no older than 20 minutes --->

<cfif client.IsLoggedIn neq 0 and (client.IsLoggedIn +
createtimespan(0,0,20,0)) lte now()>
<cfset client.IsLoggedIn = 0>
<cfset attributes.method="login">

<Cfif Client.IsLoggedIn neq 0>
<cfset client.IsLoggedIn = now()>


At 01:31 PM 20/06/00 -0700, you wrote:
>I know that I shouldn't be using client.something variables but I inherited
>this code and I dont' have the time to go through it and replace them.  Is
>there somewhere that you can specify the timeout for client varaibles?
>I know that you can control the application and session variable timeouts
>with the cfapplication tag and in the administrator but I'm not sure about
>client. variables.
>Katrina Chapman
>Ameriquest Mortgage
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