I do not know if this may be the underlying cause of the error but I do know
that if sql is your database you cannot use timestamp as the datatype  when
you are passing in a date time field.  It has to be CF_SQL_DATE.  There was
a disscusion about this on here last week but I think the person having the
problem was using CFMX and M$SQL.  Hope this helps you out and that I didnt
misunderstand that whole think last week.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adams, Stephen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 7:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: more cfstoredproc issues ...

Please refer to the disclaimer beneath this message

YOu can comment out the call to the stored procedure and then output all the
variables you are passing, then use a CFABORT to stop the page this way
you'll be sure the correct variables are being passed. Or for testing
purposes hard-code a value in the LibraryID cfprocparam tag, if it does get
passed in correctly then you will know that the problem is the stored
procedure and not your CF.

-----Original Message-----
From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 30 September 2002 02:34
To: CF-Talk
Subject: more cfstoredproc issues ...


I have a stored procedure with parameters as:

CREATE   PROCEDURE tap_adLibUpdate
        @LibraryID int,
        @Ident int,
        @UpdatedDate datetime,
        @PageFileName varchar(15) = NULL,
        @ArchivePath varchar(15) = NULL,
        @Scheduled bit = 0,
        @RestoreID int = NULL,
        @UpdateError varchar(8000) = NULL

and I'm using this code in CF:

<cfstoredproc procedure="tap_adLibUpdate" datasource="#request.tap.dsn#"
username="#request.tap.dsnusr#" password="#request.tap.dsnpwd#">
        <cfprocparam type="in" dbvarname="LibraryID"
        <cfprocparam type="in" dbvarname="Ident" value="#Request.User.ID#"
        <cfprocparam type="in" dbvarname="UpdatedDate"
value="#CreateODBCDate(Now())#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp">
        <!--- indicates the file name for a top level container -- file
may change although file name is consistent --->
        <cfprocparam type="In" dbvarname="PageFileName"
value="#variables.tempfilename#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
null="#yesnoformat(not rspage.istoplevelcontainer)#">
        <!--- archive path indicates where restoring content is being
restored from
        <cfprocparam type="in" dbvarname="ArchivePath"
value="#variables.archivepath#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
null="#yesnoformat(not request.tap.archivecontent)#">
        <cfprocparam type="In" dbvarname="Scheduled" value="0"
        <cfprocparam type="in" dbvarname="restoreid"
        <cfprocparam type="In" dbvarname="UpdateError"
value="#variables.errormessage#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
        <cfprocresult name="rsupdate" resultset="1">

and I'm getting this error:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Procedure 'tap_adLibUpdate'
expects parameter '@LibraryID', which was not supplied.

I know that the LibraryID parameter is defined in the <cfprocparam> tags. I
know that none of it was misspelled. I know that the value of
variables.PageID is an integer. What I don't know is why I'm getting an
error message that tells me exactly what the problem is not.

Anybody have any ideas?

Isaac Dealey
Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer

new epoch

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