Personally, I think that once this new paradigm of Flash Remoting
is known by the person with enough vision and skills, new interface tools
be created that will do what Flash does in DB connectivity without
the baggage that Flash brings from its beginning as a complicated
and work-intensive graphics tool.

The tool that dumps that complex, heavy Flash animation
baggage and allows "adequate" graphic design,
but continues to develop "one-page" browser-based, Internet-enabled
DB-connected app development will win the day and the dollars.

Believe me, I believe in good graphic design...I do graphic design work
for print, web, and video every day.  With print and video, which lack
interactivity, presentation is very important to success.  Graphic design
can make or break a successful video presentation.  But when it comes to the
the functionality is what's far more critical.  (Just take a look at many of
most successful sites on the Internet and it's amazing how little effort
is obviously put into the design...but the functionality make it

If another tool came along that would do what Flash Remoting enables,
without the complicated Flash interface, I jump all over it...but really,
for me,
it's not the Flash interface that's the trouble, as a timeline based video
it makes sense to me.  Even MM's attempt to get coders to think of the
frames as "states" makes sense.  Creating graphics with Flash is simple...
It's just the AS that I haven't found training wheels for, yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (REC)
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 9:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Ben's J2EE Book, now new course to be offered by MACR

Yep, thanks Ray, and indeed what you are saying is that the path is defined
as you require it - if you need a DBA you source one etc..

I think Flash Remoting and Flash movies have a place in development (take
the Flash Expression Panel :-)  but I think unless the need for having the
full version of Flash is removed, there will always be a sticking point.

-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 30 September 2002 14:39
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Ben's J2EE Book, now new course to be offered by MACR

> I like Flash, dont get me wrong, but if all you are doing it
> linking to a DB
> for a static form or grid etc, then you may as well use HTML
> and no I am not
> anti Flash Remoting - far from it, I just dont see the
> business benefit
> (development time = cost) of using say Flash for things which could be
> developed in normal HTML.

Ah, well, when I said 'simple' forms, I did mean something a bit more
than static forms.

> What I am driving at is this : there is no real 'Spectrum of
> Participants'
> (sorry Ray) of how to get a movie up and running.  It is a complex
> combination of designers/aniimators and developers to get
> things working in
> any decent shape or form....has this been defined?  I have
> seen some docs,
> but I have not read 100% into them as of yet so I am open for
> more pointers.

This is a good question. My opinion (and let me stress, it's MY opinion,
not official MACR policy) that there is some things that the art freak
could do in CFML. For example - simple CFCs. This is because CFML is so
dang easy. The art freak doesn't need to be a code guru to do some very
nice things in CFML that will help extend their Flash apps. I think the
reverse applies. I don't think I'll ever be a Flash guru - but there are
things that I can learn that will be very useful to my web application
development. Certainly I'd hire the art freak to take my flash form and
make it prettier - if I needed it. Ditto on the reverse side. If the art
freak had issues doing complex SQL, they would let the DBA or CFML coder
take over.

I guess I'm saying I think the course will make me more useful as a
developer. In ways, it's almost like having a _very_ extendible form of
HTML at my finger tips. Once I got past the ... I don't know, not wierd,
but just different feel of the Flash editor, it all came down to simple
rules and action script - and any CFML person can learn AS.

Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Hire

Yahoo IM : morpheus

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda

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