Use a subquery:

<CFQUERY Name="GetExceptions" datasource="#DSN#">
        SELECT tblEmployees.EmpName, tblEmployees.DeptID
        FROM tblEmployees
        WHERE tblEmployees.ID NOT IN (
                                                SELECT tblMaster.empid
                                                FROM tblMaster
                                                WHERE tblMaster.startdate <=
                                                AND tblMaster.startdate >=

> Is there a simple SQL statement that would allow me to select all the
> employees...or all the EmpIds that are NOT in the Master table..
> So I have tblEmployees and tblMaster. 
> Basically I want to display all the bad bad people that did not enter
> their time for a specific exception report.
> I can do this easily without factoring a time period, but 
> once I put the
> Time Period no longer works..
> Without Time Period:
> <CFQUERY Name="GetExceptions" datasource="#DSN#">
>       SELECT tblEmployees.EmpName, tblEmployees.DeptID
>       FROM tblEmployees LEFT JOIN tblMaster ON tblEmployees.ID =
> tblMaster.empid
>       WHERE tblMaster.empid Is Null
> This just shows Employees who have never entered time at all. 
> That isn't
> exactly what I want.
> With Time Period
> <CFQUERY Name="GetExceptions" datasource="#DSN#">
>       SELECT tblEmployees.EmpName, tblEmployees.DeptID
>       FROM tblEmployees LEFT JOIN tblMaster ON tblEmployees.ID =
> tblMaster.empid
>       WHERE 
>       tblMaster.startdate <= #CreateODBCDate(enddate)#
>       AND tblMaster.startdate >= #CreateODBCDate(startdate)#
>       AND tblMaster.empid Is Null
> I want this to show Employees that haven't entered time for a specific
> period...
> I know my SQL is confused somewhere along the line...can anyone help?
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