: Can anyone see what's wrong with this:
: <cfscript>
:                       If (NOT IsDefined("Form.business_types") AND
: (IsDefined("Form.residents")) {
:                               session.ResidentsOnly = yes;
:                       }

On the next line, you're closing the if clause and then trying to and
another.  Should read:
else if ((not IsDefined("form.residents")) and
(IsDefined("form.business_type"))) {

:                       Else If (NOT IsDefined("Form.residents")) AND
: (IsDefined("Form.business_type")) {
:                               session.BusinessOnly = yes;
:                               session.ListOfBusiness =
: "#Form.business_types#";
:                       }
:                       Else {
:                               session.ResidentsAndBusiness = yes;
:                               session.ListOfBusiness =
: "#Form.business_types#";
:                       }
:       </cfscript>
: This is the error I keep getting:
: Error Diagnostic Information
: Just in time compilation error
: Invalid parser construct found on line 67 at position 79. ColdFusion was
: looking at the following text:{Invalid expression format. The
: usual cause is
: an error in the expression structure.
: The last successfully parsed CFML construct was a CFSCRIPT tag occupying
: document position (66:3) to (66:12).
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