YES, that is a great analogy. Using flash to present data IS like using IE for viewing 
Text Documents (sorta), but what's wrong with that? Viewing remote txt documents in IE 
is in no way inferior to notepad; in fact, I think it's better because you don't need 
to launch another application, and there are so many other things IE can do (as can 

Do you use IE for FTP? I think it is the best (and free-est) FTP Client I have ever 
used! What about IE for local folder browsing; or other web protocols? Like Flash, IE 
can be used for many things (and many out of the scope of what it is famous for).

Neil, I think you need to broaden your thinking and see the big picture. These people 
are not just praising Flash because they work for Macromedia (although 3 of them do), 
but because of all of its powers.

Flash will not redefine the possibilities of what can be done on the web; It will 
simply provide you a with the toolset to do it faster, cheaper, cleaner, and (most 
importantly) you will only need to do it ONCE for each release.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (REC)
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 10:57 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Flash for data views : WAS Ben's J2EE Book, now new course
t o be offered by MACR

so you are using an animation tool and doing no an animation?  I may just be
a tad blinkered, but its like using IE to browser text files and not

doesnt make sense...

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Chambers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 30 September 2002 15:35
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Flash for data views : WAS Ben's J2EE Book, now new course to
be offered by MACR

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (REC) 

> I like Flash, dont get me wrong, but if all you are doing it 
> linking to a DB
> for a static form or grid etc, then you may as well use HTML 
> and no I am not
> anti Flash Remoting - far from it, I just dont see the 
> business benefit
> (development time = cost) of using say Flash for things which could be
> developed in normal HTML.

If all you are doing is presenting data to the user with no interaction,
then there is not much advantage to using Flash. However, if the users
interacts with that data in any way, then there are advantages. Namely,
the fact that the entire page will not need to be refreshed to update
the data view (or to submit data, etc). 

btw, that workflow requires no animation. I have been working with Flash
for about 4 years now, and I dont think i have done any animation for
about 2 years. All of my Flash applications consists of one Frame which
a bunch of components, and data going back and forth from Flash and the

> What I am driving at is this : there is no real 'Spectrum of 
> Participants'
> (sorry Ray) of how to get a movie up and running. 

For what its worth, here is my workflow.

1. create functionality of movie using ActionScript and components.
2. send it to a designer to make it look pretty.

btw, as far as time and costs, in a lot of cases i think the developing
in Flash is easier / faster than in HTML since I don't have to write a
bunch of code that maintains client state across page views.

mike chambers


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