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Kevin Parker
Web Services Manager
WorkCover Corporation


p: 08 82332548
f: 08 82332000
m: 0418 806 166


-----Original Message-----
From: John Innit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 1 October 2002 2:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Help please!! - Adding Email Alert functionality to a site

We've been asked to add email alert functionality to a clients web site.

The client is a recruitment company and wants to maintain a list of 
prospective candidates that can be automatically alerted  when the company 
has new job openings. The clients wants to be able to manually add / remove 
names to the email list and to enable new job seekers to add themselves or 
modify their settings through their web site.

The settings will be quite simple, a new job seeker can specify to receive 
alerts for

1) Software development jobs
2) Management jobs
3) all jobs

When the recruitment company has a new job requirement they will type it 
up, assign it to a category, and then have an option to send it out to all 
the prospective job seekers who have requested for alerts in that category. 
Before the emails are sent out the company wants a list of all the 
recipients so that they can manually delete or add people from the list 
before the mailing is kicked off.

I realize this is a simple project and there are numerous ways to get this 
done. What I'm looking are suggestions on how to get this done very quickly 
( 2 week time line)  I also want to know if there is an existing product we 
can buy which with some customization can achieve this for us. Would love 
to receive recommendations, suggestions or even proposals if you have a 
fast solution.


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