Hello Forum,

Need Help.

I am trying to send data generated by a query using CFMAIL tag to a
recepient whose email is obtained from a Form.
However Instead of including and sending only one email containing  all  the
rows returned by the query to the email address obtained from the Form in
the previous page CFMAIL is sending multiple emails to the same email
--one email for each record generate from the query. Thus each email
contains only one seperate record.
I cant understand why?
The recepient email address comes from the Form. The contents of the email
is generated by the db query.
Any help will be much appreciated.

This is my code:

<CFQUERY name= "Get_Products"  DataSource="XYZ">
Select * FROM Products WHERE product id=#Form.productid#

<cfmail query="Get_Products"


<!--- The variables #productid# and #Email_Address# come from the Previous
Page (Form.cfm).

 <TD> Productid: Get_Products.productid <BR>  </TD>
  <TD>Details: Get_Products.details <BR>  </TD>
  <TD>Model : Get_Products.modelno <BR>  </TD>

The purpose is to send more details about the product selected by the user
in the Form.cfm Page.

----- Original Message -----
From: "jon hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: Using Java nulls in CF?

> For anyone wondering...with smaller files it really doesn't matter,
> but with a 2.3MB IIS logfile, the Java ReadLine method is about 30-40
> percent faster than the old standby looping over the file as a string
> using chr(10) as a delimiter.
> --
>  jon
> Monday, September 30, 2002, 11:43:44 PM, you wrote:
> jh> Actually I didn't even think of using isDefined(), and I think
> jh> you answered my question without knowing it :).
> jh> All I really wanted to do was use java's readLine() method, but
> jh> readLine returns a null when the last line has been read. So I stuck
> jh> isDefined() in there an voila! It worked.
> jh> <cfscript>
> jh> fr = createObject("java", "java.io.FileReader");
> jh> br = createObject("java", "java.io.BufferedReader");
> jh> fr.init(filename);
> jh> br.init(fr);
> jh> line = br.readLine();
> jh> while (isDefined("line")) {
> jh>         writeOutput(line & '<br>');
> jh>         line = br.readLine();
> jh> }
> jh> fr.close();
> jh> br.close();
> jh> </cfscript>
> jh> Now I'm going to see if this is any faster than looping over line
> jh> breaks in a string. I hope so after all I tried to get this to work :)
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