We've had instances where a bad PDF file corrupted a working search.  Check 
which files were added since the app was last known to be working.
At 08:41 AM 10/4/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>My search system via verity seems to have gone down this morning for no
>apparrant reason, no changes have been  made to the .cfm page but when
>trying to conduct a search the following error message is occurring
>Error Occurred While Processing Request
>       Error Diagnostic Information
>       Error occurred in tag CFSEARCH
>       The error occurred while processing an element with a general
>identifier of (CFSEARCH), occupying document position (83:13) to (89:4) in
>the template file
>What could cause this,  line 83 in the searchresults2.cfm page is
>     name = "GetResults"
>     collection = "#SearchCollection#"
>     criteria = "#Form.Criteria#"
>     maxRows = "#Evaluate(Form.MaxRows + 1)#"
>     startRow = "#Form.StartRow#"
>    >
><!--- search to calc no of records retreived--->
>             <CFSEARCH
>     name = "GetAllResults"
>     collection = "#SearchCollection#"
>     criteria = "#Form.Criteria#"
>    >
>I have no idea firstly why this error is occuring and what is wrong with the
>code above that was working correctly yesterday ???
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