Hi there,
How can I send a HTML mail to my users after they register?
The snippet below does not work.
Any help?
<CFQUERY NAME="ValidateUser"
DATASOURCE="#application.PrimaryDataSource#" dbtype="ODBC">
    SELECT  client_username, client_password, client_id,
client_firstname, client_surname, client_admin
            FROM tbl_client 
            WHERE client_id = #id#
<cfset session.NewReg = True>
<CFMAIL TO="#Form.client_email#"
SUBJECT="Thanks for Your registration"
                                    <TABLE  border="0" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" align="left" bgcolor="##00ffff">
<TD><img src="images/top_half_red_600.jpg" width="615" height="58"></td>
<TD class="bodytext">&nbsp;</TD>
face="Arial" size="-1">Dear #Form.client_Firstname#,</font></TD>
<TD class="bodytext">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD class="bodytext">&nbsp;</TD>
face="Arial" size="-1">Thanks for registering with us</font></TD>

Kodjo Ackah
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