> For session scope, you need a name that is unique 
> to your session which may be harder to invent (you 
> could perhaps use a user ID if it exists or a per-
> session UUID).

If I recall correctly, the MM recommended naming scheme for CF 4.01 would
work fine here - use the concatenation of CFID and CFTOKEN.

> OTOH, race conditions within session scope are probably 
> going to be rarer because they can only occur if you 
> have multiple windows or frames open with the same 
> session data 

I think that you can run into contention issues without multiple windows or
frames within the session scope, but they do tend to be rare. I've seen
situations where it appeared that heavy server load, fast network
connections, and CFLOCATION would cause the same sort of problem.

> (frames are evil, in my opinion, so I'm not very 
> sympathetic to people who get into a session 
> integrity mess when they use frames! :)

s/frames/Flash ?

Technology is ... technology. Poorly-implemented technology is bad, but
that's not an argument against the technology itself. I've seen plenty of
cases where frames enhanced the functionality of a web application.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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