Yes - you have to be using SQL Server. The only catch is you can have only
ONE select statement, often at the end of the query. In other words you can
only return one record set.

But you might want to hold of using it apparently.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 12:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: FORTA: CFMX - I've never seen anything so unstable in my
life (backup please)

Is this made possible by simply placing
inside the <CFQUERY>
then placing
just before the </CFQUERY>?


-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Rohan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 2:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: FORTA: CFMX - I've never seen anything so unstable in my
life (backup please)

Hi Sean!
We actually are talking with you right now - and I mean specifically YOU.
:) - refer to Mark J's e-mail. I'll reiterate what our issue is with the
JDBC Driver.

Using SQL Server 7 there is a way to "trick" the database into doing several
sql statements - this was suggested by Ben Forta in one of his books. So,
for example, instead of doing:

INSERT INTO blarg (a) VALUES ('a')


You can write:


INSERT INTO blarg (a) VALUES ('a')


and save a database connection by doing all the sql at once.

We have lots of code that uses this technique. We can't be the only ones as
Ben Forta suggested it, and a lot of people read/listen to Ben.

Also, this technique allows for huge queries where you can mix cf and sql
variables. Which make a re-write to a stored proc really, really hard.

> Hmm, that's a very unfair criticism. No products are error-free and
> CFMX was *extensively* tested for many months. The QA team accrued a
> vast pool of ColdFusion source code to test against and my team was
> developing heavy applications in CFMX and working with the product team

That maybe true I apologize for my quick assumption, but we were to be a
beta tester and the "paper work" took so long to implement that it never
happened, which means many of the errors we have could have been caught long

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 11:13 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFMX - I've never seen anything so unstable in my life

On Monday, Oct 7, 2002, at 10:56 US/Pacific, Rob Rohan wrote:
> We are porting cf5 to MX and had several "sloppy coding errors", as
> well as
> some full fledged product errors. All in all, when the code is
> optimized for
> MX - which almost no currently existing cf code is - it runs like a
> champ.

Glad to hear it (that it runs like a champ)! It's always good to hear
from a (fairly) satisfied customer :)

> It is *very* obvious that the project was pushed out the door without
> being
> tested well, or at least tested in some sort of large production
> environment - probably do to the dropping stock.

Hmm, that's a very unfair criticism. No products are error-free and
CFMX was *extensively* tested for many months. The QA team accrued a
vast pool of ColdFusion source code to test against and my team was
developing heavy applications in CFMX and working with the product team
on resolving issues. CFMX was probably tested more than any previous
version of CF. However, you must bear in mind that CFMX is a complete
rewrite on a new platform - that means there are bound to be *some*
issues that will crop up. Some of these are a natural fall-out of the
transition from C++ to Java and the use of different libraries (for
example, the database access via JDBC).

> We are having issues with the JDBC Drivers as well. We have several
> messages
> into smack-romedia, and we will post when we hear.

Has the Updater helped? Several database issues were addressed in that,
I believe. Please let either Vern or myself know if there are specific
issues we can follow up on for you!

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