Is your session variable getting updated? If not, there is your
problem, if so, then the problem lies in some part of the program that
is not using the session variables value, or not using it correctly.
If the app works using just cookies, then switching to session
variables shouldn't be a problem in and of itself.

I'm not sure how secure your app needs to be, but storing paths like
that on the client in a cookie sounds very insecure. If I altered the
cookie with the list of paths to include c:\, could I get a listing
of that directory? Sounds like to me this variable should definitely
be a session or client scoped variable.


Wednesday, October 9, 2002, 7:40:05 AM, you wrote:

F> HI,

F> I'm getting a little confused with <cfcookies and <cfset SESSION.varaible ="">. My 
application was using <cfcookies and it seemed to work fine. I was reading in a field 
from my 
F> database which was a comma delimited field of directories on my hard drive. This 
was then put into a cookie. I have a template that allows the user to add or remove 
F> directories for viewing in their navigation window (tree list). Any changes made 
from the template would be saved to the database and the cookie would be updated. 

F> The problem I'm experiencing now is I changed all my <cfcookie calls to use <cfset 
SESSSION.variable = ""> and when I add/remove a directory and click my refresh button 
F> won't update my navigation (tree list) frame until I actually close my IE and start 
it back up again. Then the appropriate directorie(s) don't appear which where 
F> from my template.

F> How can I make this "update" appear by refreshing? Do I *have* to use cookies in my 

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