> Can someone confirm to me that this is the correct behaviour for
> listcontainsNoCase:

> <cfscript>
>    if( listContainsNoCase("MRS,MS,MISS", "mr"  , "," )) {
>         gender = "F";
>    } else {
>       gender = "m";
>    }
> </cfscript>

> <cfoutput>#gender#</cfoutput>

> returns F, if I change the first entry in the list to MZ, M gets
> outputted.
> I'm assuming this is because MRS contains 'MR' however I thought the
> whole point of having a listcontainsNocase function (as opposed to using
> contains() ) was that the function would look at each entry as a whole?

Yes listcontainsnocase() is intended to produce this result...

I'd probably use listfindnocase() which is likely to produce the result you

As an asside, I don't think I've used contains() or listcontains() on
anything in about 4 years ... and I've been working with cf for 5, so...
dunno what that says, but I imagine it says something. :P


S. Isaac Dealey
Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer

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