> Can you give a source for this? I'd like to know why CFML can't be
> copywrited.
I don't think CFML is copyrighted. I believe that CFML is simply a
syntax that is implemented by a copyrighted work. Thus, the
implementation is protected, but not the syntax. As it is, the full
syntax must be disclosed publicly if you expect anyone to be able to
program with it.

> So they should stick to the official version. The one put out by MM.
> this, BD is in the wrong. They want to claim to be a CF parser but the
> second they add in their own functionality then they're something
I think you are confused about the term parser. BlueDragon is an
implementation of CFML. As such it includes a CFML parser, but it really
much more.

> ECMAScript that's not implimented on most browsers, that's still not
> standardized across browsers and is just a name with no juice? That
> ECMAScript?
Whether or not browsers implement the standard correctly is a different
debate than whether or not ECMAScript is a standard.

> Or sue. Or ask nicely for the others to play by the language rules.
I really doubt they would want to sue.

> Of course it can. Who said he had the right to ring it. I'd love to
> what a copywrite lawyer has to say here.
This is a free market; New Atlanta has all the right in the world.


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