
I have been researching what list function to use and this looks great!
However, I don't know how many checkboxes the end-user will select. How can
I modify this code to accommodate for flexibility? Is a CFLOOP List Loop the

 <cfloop index = "i" list = "#variables.testVar#" delimiters = ",">

-- Lisa

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Corbridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 12:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Dynamic checkboxes and the resultant page.

try this:

<cfset variables.testVar = "102310&OLD=QQQ100,202301&OLD=QQQ200">

<cfset variables.nvPair1 = listGetAt(variables.testVar,1)>
<cfset variables.nvPair2 = listGetAt(variables.testVar,2)>

<cfset variables.var1=listGetAt(variables.nvPair1,1,"&")>


<cfset variables.var2=listGetAt(variables.nvPair2,1,"&")>



- mike

-----Original Message-----
From: Greenberg, Lisa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 2:52 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Dynamic checkboxes and the resultant page.

I am trying to create dynamic checkboxes from a query result set and then
pass a parameter as well to the resultant page:
  <cfform action="checkout.cfm" name="alignNewCustomer" method="POST"
     <cfoutput query="QQQSearch">
            <cfinput type="checkbox"  name="checkbox"
  On the action page I have the following if a checkbox has been entered:
  <cfoutput>value: #form.checkbox#</cfoutput> 
  which results in something like this when 2 boxes are checked:
  How do I parse this form variable's value(s) to set  local variables to
the values passed?  For example,
 <cfset variables.var1='102310'>
 <cfset variables.whereVar1='QQQ100'> 
 <cfset variables.var2='202310'>
<cfset variables.whereVar2='QQQ200'>
If there is more efficient method to generating dynamic checkboxes and
obtaining their values I'm all ears!.
-- Lisa

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