I need a sample piece of VB code (I don't really know VB - ie a hunt and 
peck type) that will parse a text file into a database using Access97 (I 
have Access 2000 available, just haven't looked at it yet), as well as SQL 
Server 7.0 (more complicated to get my hands on it).

Hmmmm. skip VB. SQL should do the trick. hmmmmm.

I have currently created a import mapping in access, but there are no CRLFs 
in the fixed width text file, so I need to process the file first to prepare 
it for import (ie insert CRLF - in ultraedit convert Wrap to CRLF).

Does anyone have any sample code they can throw my way? either SQL or VB.

Sample file layout.

Database Layout
Field1 1111
Field2 22
Field3 3333
Field4 4444

===== i cut it short, but here is my initial ramblings ====
I have a text file containing batch credit card transactions. A new one is 
created everyday and submitted at the end of the day. Two files are returned 
from the batch process, accepted and rejected.

The rejected file gets resubmitted the next day. As well as the next days 
transactions. To track the generation of the submission they are keeping 
each returned rejection file and submitting on its own accord, ao ya gotta 
keep your head in the game to figure out what files have been submitted or 
not. so after a few days there are submitting 5 or 6 files a day.

What they should be doing is creating a single submission file containing 
todays transactions and yesterdays rejections. A field is available in the 
text file to track submission iteration information.

Enter in me. Fix it they say.

Option 1.)
- Read all new transactions into a database.
- After submission, Record status as submitted.
- Receive Accepted and Rejected files
- read in and reconcile to submitted transactions flagging as accepted or 
==== next day
- read in new ta
- create submission file including new ta and yesterdays rejected ta
- After submission, Record status as submitted.

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