It doesn't support css at all.  And, the only thing you can do to handle 
format is to use basic tables.  Download HTMLDoc and try it out, it has a 
gui format that you can use to check out what it actually renders.


On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Joshua Miller wrote:

> Thanks for the info ... I found the HTML doc site earlier and actually -
> HTML2PDF3 uses HTMLDOC ... It's a small world ;) I got the HTML2PDF3 tag
> to work finally, but it hoses the formatting, no matter what parameters
> I pass it. 
> My question for you about HTMLDOC is this: If I transform formatted HTML
> into PDF, how well does HTMLDOC handle the transformation? I read that
> it doesn't support HTML4 or CSS, how do you handle formatting? All HTML3
> ?
> Thanks for your input,
> Joshua Miller
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 7:02 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: HTML2PDF3 on CFMX
> Joshua,
> You could try htmldoc, a very powerful html to pdf convertor utility,
> which works via the Command line and is free.
> There's excellent flexibility and documentation with this product. I
> don't work for them, but I've used htmldoc for over 2 years now for all
> sorts of things, from creating personalised custom car brochures on the
> fly, to invoicing, or simply converting a brochureware site to a pdf
> booklet.
> I began using it when using CF4.5 which had some problems with its
> cfexecute tag, so I've used the CFX_execute tag available from the tag
> gallery, eversince.
> HTH,
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 15 October 2002 19:54
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: HTML2PDF3 on CFMX
> I can't get HTML2PDF3 to work with CFMX ... I get a
> error. The documentation seems a bit flaky too ... It refers to using
> the path to the executable wihtout the .exe or filename, then the sample
> file uses the full path and filename to the executable - it errors
> either way, using the sample file right out of the ZIP or modifying it
> as the directions say it should work. It generates the HTML templates,
> then doesn't convert - it errors when accessing the executable file.
> Anyone know of anything else? Or anyone have any experience with
> Thanks,
> Joshua Miller
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric G. Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 2:17 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: PDF to HTML on-the-fly
> At 01:37 PM 10/15/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> >There is the html2pdf3 tag in the gallery that works quite well.  And 
> >its free.
> >
> >Sam
> Here's something that I ran across that doesn't seem to work (at least I
> couldn't make it work with MX).
> I don't have the author attribution easily available, but I'm sure I
> could find it if anyone is interested.
> In any case, I'd be interested if someone knows how to make something
> like this work (a situation where you can use form inputs to populate
> PDF form fields and present the pdf to the end user or mail it or
> whatever).
> I'll list the entire set of instructions below.
> Thanks in advance.
> PDF Form Fields  How To
> This example was done with Adobe 5 and Word 2K
> 1.      Create the .doc or .dot as you require.
> 2.      Save it as a .pdf using Adobe
> 3.      Open the pdf with Adobe
> 4.      Add the form fields.  This is done by clicking on the form tool
> and
> placing the field where you want it.
> In my example the grid is turned on (CTRL U) or by clicking on View|Grid
> The grid settings are adjusted by clicking on Edit|General|Layout Grid.
> In this case, the width and height between lines is .25” with two
> subdivisions.
> 5.      Right-click on the field, then on “Properties”.  Next click on
> “Options”.
> 6.      In the example, the first field is called “today” and the
> default
> is called #todayDate#.  This will be a variable name a little later. The
> “Type” is text. This is the default.
> 7.      The second field in the example is done the same way.
> 8.      Save the pdf.
> 9.      Next, click on “File|Export|Form Data” and save the exported
> form
> (This is the .fdf) to the same directory as the pdf.
> 10.      Now, start ColdFusion studio and open the fdf this way:  Click
> on
> File|Open|All Files.  You will see a warning that this is an 
> File|Open|unrecognized
> text file.  Click on “Open”, anyway.
> 11.       Place a <CFOUTPUT> tag right before the first % sign in the
> fdf
> and a </CFOUTPUT> immediately after the EOF at the end of the fdf.  The
> example shows you where.  Spaces before or after the tags will generate
> errors.
> 12.      In the area where you see  “/F (sampledoc.pdf)/ID” (without the
> quotes) add an URL path before the filename, such as
> “http://servername/directory structure/filename” (without the quotes).
> See the example.  Where you see servername above, you can use localhost
> or an IP address.
> 13.     Save the file.
> 14.      Open a new CF template and add the code per the example.  Save
> it.
> 15.       You sre ready to go.
> NOTES:   1.  Adobe will not preserve your source document margins.
> 2.      The text in the Adobe document will not be in exactly the place
> as
> the source document.  To get
>       Adobe to put things where you want them, you have to “play” with
> the source document. 3.  You CANNOT open the fdf with Adobe. You will
> get an error.  Open it with CF Studio.
> The FDF looks like this:
> <cfoutput>%FDF-1.2
> %âăĎÓ
> 1 0 obj
> <<
> /FDF << /Fields [ << /V (#fieldcontent#)/T (fieldcontent)>> << /V
> (#todayDate#)/T (today)>> ] /F
> (http://master/dqa/adobe/sampledoc.pdf)/ID [
> <c2331da405f412d95820b8849ee5fb59><0f5bb617ffcfb2e18a1dd497cd3c2b18>
> ] >>
>  >>
> endobj
> trailer
> <<
> /Root 1 0 R
>  >>
> %%EOF
> </cfoutput>
> The CF template looks like this:
> <!---set date --->
> <cfset todayDate=#day(now())#&" "&#MonthAsString(month(now()))#&",
> "&#year(now())#>
> <!---simulate a query variable--->
> <cfset simulatedcontent="This could be a query result">
> <!--- if a query, it could be <cfset simulatedcontent =
> "#queryname.fieldname#"> --->
> <!---this comes next--->
> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
> <!---add variables--->
> <cfset variables.todayDate="#todayDate#">
> <cfset variables.fieldcontent="#simulatedcontent#">
> <!---Fire it up--->
> <cfheader name="content-disposition"
> value="inline;filename=sampledoc.fdf">
> <cfcontent type="application/vnd.fdf">
> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="no">
> <cfinclude template="sampledoc.fdf">
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