At 10:04 AM 6/22/2000 -0700, Karl Simanonok wrote:
>My experience with Sybase has been that the company is incompetent about 
>technical matters regarding their own products, nonresponsive to support 
>issues and even to potential buyers,
>and their database is a dinosaur that performs poorly compared to SQL 
>Server or Oracle.  Based on my experience with that flaky company, I 
>wouldn't use Sybase if they gave it to me.
>Karl Simanonok

I've only had to deal with their technical people once, and they were very 
helpful and knowledgeable at that time.  This means that I haven't *had* to 
talk to tech support over the 2+ years I've been working with Sybase.  This 
contrasts greatly with Oracle, whom I had to call for tech support 15+ 
times over the course of the month it took me to install the product 
correctly.  I found Oracle's UNIX support folks to be very knowledgeable 
and all other departments there to be very irritating.  Of course if the 
product had been sanely designed and installed itself correctly, I might 
have a better opinion of their tech support.

I haven't ever used SQL Server, but that's because I value cross-platform 
compatibility.  Don't like being cornered by a single company.  I do hear 
that SQL Server 2000 really rocks on the TPC benchmarks, though.

I'd also have to agree with the evaluation of the Sybase sales reps.  I 
can't stand our regional rep.  He has raised my blood pressure to insane 
levels on occasion.  Fortunately, I found a fantastic reseller in Florida 
(I'm in Oregon) who now runs interference for me with pretty much every 
vendor of mine and usually gets me a better price than direct sales.

Performance wise, I can't really accurately judge.  All I can say is that I 
get lot's of 0 msec queries, I can set up new db's and tables quickly, and 
I don't have to worry about strange 2K character limits and things like 
that.  That's all that matters to me.

So for any folks out there considering database purchases, I'd say that you 
shouldn't rule out Sybase based on all the marketing garbage being thrown 
out there by Microsoft and Oracle.


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