Sure.. But don't all ventures of decent magnitude?

Hey.. I'm not proposing a "magic bullet".  I'm just asking all of those
who *truly believe* that studio is an endangered beast, and who *truly*
don't want that to happen, to put their feelings to the test and decide
if they would *really* like to take it upon themselves to continue on
the market space.

It's not likely to happen.  However, it shakes those out who are just
screaming to be screaming, separating them from those who really do
think there is a reason to continue this process.

Just my .02...

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Eric Dawson [mailto:cftalk@;] 
| Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 1:25 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| - coalition ==> cooperative licensing? (anyone with a checkbook)
| - Who's going to manage this 'company' ?? ==> management is paid.
| model makes sense to me.
| $x to manage and develop product
| n install base
| licence = $x/n
| it could get more complicated.
| e
| From: "Angel Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 12:34:28 -0400
| It would never work.
|   - Who decides who's on the 'coalition'?
|   - Won't even get into whether MM would or 
| wouldn't...thought about the legal fees involved in 'handing 
| over' source code?
|   - Who's going to manage this 'company' ??
| -Gel
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Lee Fuller [mailto:leelistnew@;]
| Ok everyone.. Time to put your $ where your mouth is.  (er.. fingers
| are) ...
| Do you REALLY want to keep Studio alive, beyond MM's lifespan 
| for it? If so, then how about this?
|       - We create a coalition of individuals/companies that 
| can raise some funding.
|       - We propose a purchase/licensing of the product/code from MM.
|       - We create a company that will code/patch/maintain and sell it.
| If we do this as a massive joint-venture, we may find that 
| there is true support in the market space, and take the 
| headaches away from MM.. simply giving them a percentage -- 
| making sure it is always compatible with MM's product line.
| I would be willing to help establish the company base and 
| provide direction for the venture.
| Thoughts?
| Lee
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