On Tuesday, Oct 22, 2002, at 08:13 US/Pacific, James Smith wrote:
> How do I stop DreamweaverMX adding a "/" to the front of all my links?

This is a setting in the site definition: absolute vs relative links. 
Hmm, I can't find it now. Well, it used to be a setting in DW4 but it 
seems that DWMX always creates site root-relative links based on the 
local folder location.

It seems the assumption is that a 'site' is always a 'root' on the 
server. I guess you have defined a site where your local folder is not 
at the root?

> On a related subject, how do you have it open the frameset for editing?
> About 90% of the time when I open a frameset document Dreamweaver 
> opens the
> first frame instead.

DWMX will show the entire page - with frames loaded - in Design View. 
If you switch to Code View, you should see just the frameset itself. 
Personally, I don't like and don't use frames...

> Come back CFStudio, all is forgiven.

You can still use CF Studio (or HomeSite+).

> PS: If anyone who matters is listening, can we have the old 
> dreamweaver back
> that didn't F**** your code up every time you opened, saved, closed or
> breathed near it.

If you turn off code rewriting, and take note of certain 'translator' 
restrictions (documented in a tech note - I don't have the info to hand 
but I remember blogging it a while back... to do with cfinclude getting 
munged) then you should be OK.

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