I'm reading the Macromedia ColdFusion Manual Developing ColdFusion MX
Applications with CFML.  And in Chapter 12 "Building Custom CFXAPI Tags"
on page 245 it says:

"Macromedia recommends that you use one of the commercial Java IDE's,
such as Dreamweaver MX, the provide an integrated environment for
development, debugging, project management, and access to documents."

Is that right?  Is Dreamweaver MX an IDE tool for developing and
compiling java Classes.  If so, I can not figure out how to compile a
class.  Where is the debug stuff at?

Do I need to configure Dreamweaver MX for user with Java?


Troy Simpson
  Applications Analyst/Programmer, MCSE, OCPDBA
North Carolina State University Libraries
Campus Box 7111 | Raleigh | North Carolina
ph.919.515.3855 | fax.919.513.3330

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