> I have a cfx tag that returns records and I also have a query that will be
> returning records.  The records that are to be returned have the same type
> of information.  How can I output these records together like they were
> pulled from the same query?  They need to mesh completely - like
> sorting by the date field or name field.  Sorry if this is overly easy -
> I'm really tired and can't find out how to do this.

If the recordsets are the same size/length, then you can loop through the
lengths of the queries and output them together;
<cfloop index="i" from=1 to="#myQuery1.RecordCount#">
        <cfoutput>#myQuery1.myField[i]#, #myQuery2.myField[i]#<br></cfoutput>

If they're a different length, then you've got problems

You get the idea though...

Philip Arnold
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

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