this also works:

<cfset NewString = Reverse(ListRest(reverse(string),"/"))>

> Thanks for the help.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:jjohnson@;]
> Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 11:04 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Can CF search a string from the right to the left.

> But an easier way might be to treat the string as a list delimited with /,
> and delete the last element from the list

> <cfset newString=listDeleteAt(string,listLen(string,"/"),"/")>

> Jerry Johnson

>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/24/02 10:34AM >>>
> Hi,

> I was wondering if anyone knows of a cf function or a tag that will search
> a string from the right to the left, instead of the left to the right.

> I want to search a string say:
> What I want returned is everything from the last "/" to the beginning.

> Is there any function or tag that can do this, I can write the code to do
> it with from the left to the right but I was just wondering if a something
> else existed.

> Thanks

> Mario

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