I have done this before on a different app. We have a .NET object that a
client's client or something needed access to, so we wrote a COM wrapper
for it.

They were using VB 6, we were using C#, everything fell through at the
end so we never were able to test it tho. Go Figure.

I have a few days off, and this is the stuff I do with my time off, (Fun
guy ain't I)

I am going to play around with it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:mkruger@;cfwebtools.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 3:05 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: custom tags & .NET
> Nick,
> If you are asking if you can write a CFX tag in a .NET aware language,
> answer is ... not easily.  To do it you will have to write a wrapper
> around
> the CFX API and use the .NET interop classes that enable an assembly
> function as a native .dll. VisStudio .NET and the CLR come does have
> sort of cabability (to allow an assmbly to work with a legacy windows
> for
> example, or an exposed COM server or interface), but they are not easy
> figure out and use.  I'm not even certain that it can be done. But if
> COULD be done and someone comes up with such a solution - it would be
> really
> cool for a lot of reasons.  One of them being you could then write a
> tag
> in ANY .NET aware languages.... VB.NET, C#, J#, VC++ (7), COBOL,
> etc.  Of course you have to install the CLR and work through the
> issues.  It might be more trouble than its worth.
> -mk

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