You need <cflocks around your session vars...

-----Original Message-----
From: FlashGuy [mailto:flashmx@;] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Run code once and only once at inital login...WTF!

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 13:26:32 -0000, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (REC) wrote:

> a few things :  why are you setting it to be FALSE the checking if its

> 0? pick a boolean method and stick to it :-)
> You do not need to check the value of a boolean like this <cfif X = 
> TRUE> but default, <cfif X> is the same and will always equate to 
> True/False (I personally use 0s & 1s)


> Also, are you running MX?


if not, where are your <cflocks>?

Oh no...should I be putting <cflocks around *ALL* the <cfquery(s) I have
in my app?
> Neil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: FlashGuy [mailto:flashmx@;]
> Sent: 30 October 2002 13:23
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Run code once and only once at inital login...WTF!
> I have this line in my application.cfm file.
> <cfparam name="session.InitialCodeRun" default="FALSE">
> Then in my index.cfm (which can get reloaded multiple times during a
> session) reads from a database and does some stuff based on the 
> session.initialCodeRun.
> Here is my code:
> <cfif SESSION.InitialCodeRun IS 0>
>   <cfset SESSION.InitialCodeRun = 1>
>                          <cfquery name="GetEnv" datasource="profs"
>               SELECT      strField1
>                             FROM         table1
>    </cfquery>
>   <cfif isDefined("GetEnv.strField1") IS "Yes">
>                           --- YES ---
>         <cfelse>
>                           --- NO ---
>         </cfif>
> </cfif>
> Even though strField1 in my database has *nothing* entered there the 
> above code returns "Yes" upon initial login. Even if I enter in "no" 
> in that field it still returns "yes"
> Whats going on?
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Colonel Nathan R. Jessop
> Commanding Officer
> Marine Ground Forces
> Guatanamo Bay, Cuba
> ---------------------------------------------------

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