something I noticed a while back is that Netscape requires the HTML comment
symbols between the script tags like so:



I doubt if this is your problem, but I know that in slightly earlier
versions their absence would give JS errors even though the JS would still

Bryan Love
  Macromedia Certified Professional
  Internet Application Developer
  Database Analyst
TeleCommunication Systems

"...'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have
        - Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

"Let's Roll"
        - Todd Beamer, Flight 93

-----Original Message-----
From: Les Mizzell [mailto:lesmizz@;]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 12:44 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Self submitting Corm inside <CFIF> question...(More JavaScript
than CF)

Have a small form problem I need some assistance with....

I have a form that needs to submit itself with no user interaction (it's on
a "processing" page that the user never sees that passes variables off to
Verisign for a product payment).  There are actually 4 forms, but each is
contained inside a Cold Fusion "if" statement to determine which one, and
only one, gets submitted

Abbreviated code below. There's 4 of these blocks on the page:

<cfif url.ID eq "1year">
      <form name="cart" method="POST"
        ....form variables and such here....

      <script type="text/javascript">document.cart.submit()</script>

This automatically submits the form without having to push a "submit" button
or anything.... It's working great in I.E.

Bombs in Netscape 7.

These don't work either....

<script type="text/javascript">document.forms[0].submit()"</script>
<script type="text/javascript">document.forms['cart'].submit()"</script>

What do I need to do differently to get this to function in both?


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