
This is dynamic update statement

Actucally if i take only 3 text boxes then no problem. but when i take 3 one
is select box then getting problem
here i am getting value from this  variable  #Evaluate("FORM.selecta#i#")# .
problem is when executing the cfquery command at 3 rd time this select box
value  is not passing 
properly and giving the following error.

first two values are passing correctly. becos these are text boxes. and
output is coming like this. I think when control comes in 3 rd loop giving
the problem.
suppose if i give output as #Evaluate("FORM.selecta3")# , then  i am seeing
value of this variable.

can anybody help na. 

Update student set sno = 99 WHERE sno = 99 
Update student set sname = 'ramesh1' WHERE sno = 99 
Bottom of Form 0

Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Diagnostic Information
ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation) 
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the
keyword 'WHERE'. 
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (110:3) to (110:43).
Date/Time: 06/25/00 19:12:22
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)
Remote Address:

This is my code...........

<cfloop from ="1" to ="#ln#" index="i"> 
#Evaluate("ATTRIBUTES.listfields.field_chara[#i#]")# EQ "0">
#Evaluate("ATTRIBUTES.listfields.fieldoptionsa[#i#]")# NEQ "">
                                        <CFSET values = values &
#Evaluate("FORM.selecta#i#")# & ",">            
                                <CFSET values =  #evaluate("FORM.txt#i#")# >
#Evaluate("ATTRIBUTES.listfields.fieldoptionsa[#i#]")# NEQ "">
                                        <CFSET values = values & "'" &
#Evaluate("FORM.selecta#i#")# & "',">           
                                <CFSET values =  "'" &
#evaluate("FORM.txt#i#")# & "'">

                <cfquery name="queryu" datasource ="#ds#">      
                        Update #ATTRIBUTES.listfields.tablename#
                        set #fieldv# = #preservesinglequotes(values)#
                        #ATTRIBUTES.listfields.uniquefield# =



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