Hold on a second guys, all Jason said was

> -This is representative some of the data being inserted. This was a NASTY
> 550 page file maker pro data base that I'm converting. Some fields are empty
> some are huge like this one.

So I assume with these looped queries all he is trying to achieve is
some sort of one shot data transfer / conversion operation (which is
failing for some reason).  Nothing to do with production, so speed is
more or less irrelavent.  

I have occasionally done thousands of looped inserts like this with some
sort of quick & dirty coding to achieve some sort of one-off data
conversion and never had to resort to adjusting connection pooling or
any of the other special solutions being suggested here.

My solution?

1) try setting the variable as a simple value before the query so CF has
every opportunity to do its built-in escaping of special characters in
the query, as I suggested before:

<CFSET st = bookArray[43]>

<cfquery name="newAuthorBio" datasource="#application.dsn#">
INSERT into authorBio (authorBio_authorId,authorBioDetail)
VALUES (#session.authorPkey#, '#st#')

if still no worky:

2) Put the query in a <CFTRY> <CFCATCH> block set up to abort the loop
on the first failure and display the raw uadulterated string causing the

Let's have a look at that string....


Richard Meredith-Hardy

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