Specify your list delimiter in the CFCASE, as below...

<cfset variables.Foo=3>
<cfswitch expression="#variables.Foo#">
        <cfcase value="2,4" delimiters=",">
                Do this...
        <cfcase value="1,3,5,7,8,10,12" delimiters=",">
                Do that...
        <cfcase value="6,9,11" delimiters=",">
                Do the other...

--> -----Original Message-----
--> From: Tony Weeg [mailto:tony@;navtrak.net]
--> Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 10:13 PM
--> To: CF-Talk
--> Subject: lists in cfcase
--> <cfcase value="1,3,5,7,8,10,12">
--> doesnt jive? meaning, it wont do the stuff
--> in the case, if there is a match from the list....
--> if i know the list, and its not dynamic, and i want to loop over the
--> values,
--> shouldnt a list be allowed?
--> thanks.
--> ...tony
--> tony weeg
--> www.revolutionwebdesign.com
--> rEvOlUtIoN wEb DeSiGn
--> 410.334.6331

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