On Tuesday, Nov 5, 2002, at 10:57 US/Pacific, Randell B Adkins wrote:
> <cfset newList = ''>
> <cfoutput>
>       <CFLOOP INDEX=i LIST="#mList#">
>               <CFIF LISTCONTAINS(newList,TRIM(i)) EQ FALSE>
>                       <CFSET newList = ListAppend(newList,i)>
>               </CFIF>
>       </CFLOOP>
> </cfoutput>

Beware of how many comparisons (and list operations in general!) this 
does! Assume n unique items and it works like this:

        n       compares
        1       1 (against an empty list)
        2       2 (1 against an empty list, 1 against a list with 1 elem)
        3       4
        4       7
        5       11
        6       16
        7       22
        8       29
        9       37
        10      46

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