
Honestly, If I were you and you wanted something from Macromedia, I'd wish 
for it (http://www.macromedia.com/support/email/wishform/?6213=6) -- Rally 
up some of your fellow .NET peeps and have them submit a request as well.  
Obviously, the more people that demand it, then Macromedia would have to 
make a decision.


On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, David Notik wrote:

> Hi all:
> I'm an avid ColdFusion developer (been using it since 3.0, used to
> author daily CF tips), but I also strongly believe in utilizing
> different technologies based on the project and keeping a diverse skill
> set.
> Recently I completed a project in .NET (C#) at www.jpay.com
> <http://www.jpay.com/> .  We used Visual Studio .NET as our environment,
> but it has tons of quirks.  I love Dreamweaver MX.  I know Dreamweaver
> MX has limited support for writing .NET apps (it has a ASP.NET toolbar
> for dragging and dropping some common elements), but does anyone know
> whether Macromedia plans more complete support such as better
> code-behind functionality, compile functionality, and autocomplete (for
> dynamically showing list of properties when you type a control name, for
> instance) as is of course supported for CF files?
> In most cases I'd say an app shouldn't try to be everything, but I think
> Dreamweaver MX already does an amazing job of keeping everything
> comprehensive and clean while still packing in tons of power - so it
> would rock if I could fully use it for ASP.NET so I can ditch VS.NET,
> and just use one application for web development (or the bulk of it,
> anyways).
> Thought I'd ask since there are a lot of people on this list very
> knowledgeable about Macromedia products in general.
> --D
> ###################
> David Notik
> Digital202, LLC
> Imagination gone digital.
> Web:  <http://www.digital202.com/> www.digital202.com
> E-mail:  <mailto:dave@;digital202.com> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Office: (206) 575-1717
> Mobile: (206) 351-3948
> ###################
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