> Has anyone on this list managed to integrate a CF 
> application (pref. CF 5) with M$'s mappoint web 
> service offering?
> Is it even possible? It must be I suppose, though 
> I have never done anything with SOAP (never really 
> found a use for XML up to now, except for WDDX in 
> a limited way).

It's certainly possible, but very little of the work would actually be done
in CF. You could do this from a Java class - there are Java samples that use
the Apache Axis 1.0 release, that work well against Mappoint.NET. These are
easily found on Google.

I don't think you can use Mappoint.NET from CFMX using CF's own tools yet,
either. The version of Axis that is included with CFMX can't parse the
Mappoint.NET WSDL (even though it's valid), and CFINVOKE doesn't support
Digest authentication, to the best of my knowledge. However, you could use
the same Java-based solution I proposed above.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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