> I've tried several iterations of this code, but I'm just not 
> getting it.  Am
> I on the wrong track?  Is there an easier way? a better way?  
> here's the code I'm working with now: 
> <cfloop from="1" to="#ListLen(form.EmpID_Muster)#" index="i">
> <cfquery name="qUpdate_Status" datasource="MorningMuster">
> UPDATE Muster 
> SET Emp_Status = #form.Emp_Status#
> WHERE EmpID_Muster = #form.EmpID_Muster#
> </cfquery>
> </cfloop>

You want to use listGetAt to get the proper item:

 <cfloop from="1" to="#ListLen(form.EmpID_Muster)#" index="i">
 <cfquery name="qUpdate_Status" datasource="MorningMuster">
 UPDATE Muster 
 SET Emp_Status = #listGetAt(form.Emp_Status,i)#
 WHERE EmpID_Muster = #listGetAt(form.EmpID_Muster)#

Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Hire

WWW      : www.camdenfamily.com/morpheus
Yahoo IM : morpheus

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