I should write up a CF/UPS XML FAQ or something, seeing as how often
this question comes up.

CFHTTP can not be used to POST XML because CFHTTP encodes all
POSTS, unless the receiver specifically takes steps to decode the XML.
These companies are in the minority in my experience though. UPS
expects non-encoded XML. That's why it doesn't work. The type=xml does
not construct the HTTP commands. It just opens a socket and sends xml.

cfx_rawsocket probably works with the 1.4 JRE, because the 1.4 JRE
integrates SSL (JSSE), which the 1.3 JRE does not. CFHTTP with a
default CF install will not work with SSL either. UPS requires SSL.

I posted some MX/Java code to do http posts, and the source for a
java cfx tag was posted within the last few weeks. A raw socket tag
will work as well, but you will need to construct the http posts
yourself...not difficult, just another step. If you are using MX
enterprise, you can use the Jakarta JSP Taglibs also, which are pretty
neat imo.


Tuesday, November 19, 2002, 4:14:48 PM, you wrote:

C> We actually got MX to talk to UPS for tracking.  We had to use
C> CFX_RawSocket http://www.iexp.com/

C> Of course according to all of CFX_RawSocket's documentation it should
C> not work under MX.  We upgraded the JRE to 1.4 and it appears to work
C> for UPS tracking numbers.

C> I have no idea what we will run into by upgrading to 1.4, but we will
C> keep playing with it and see if there are any downsides.

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 2:52 PM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: RE: MX and UPS XML
>> I hate to beat this into the ground, but why won't this type of XML
>> passing work with UPS?  We started looking at the Java example they
>> sent.  It works, but it sure is complicated!

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