You can overwrite them with <cfset> ... though I typically use <cfset
request.myapp.myvar = "something"> instead of application variables for this
sort of thing also. The app could be using <cfparam> tags instead of <cfset>
tags in which case it would chew through the xml file on each request
unecessarily since the param won't overwrite the existing value.

Or it could use something like <cfif not
structkeyexists(application,"init")> to determine when to load the
application vars, in which case, it won't reload them when you modify the
xml file because application.init already exists. You could use a url
variable to force the app to reload the xml file in this situation, however,
which wouldn't be too tough to accomplish or too hard on the server...

<cfparam name="url.init" type="boolean"
default="#yesnoformat(not structkeyexists(application,"init"))#">
<cfif url.init>
        ... chew up the xml file here ...

Then when you update the xml file, just load the application's default page
with &init=true in the query string

> You have to restart CF to reset APPLICATION vars (timing out the app might
> work too).

> Personally I like to use REQUEST scope over APPLICATION scope ;-)

> Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> t. 250.920.8830

> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Macromedia Associate Partner
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> Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
> Founder & Director
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Cutter (CF_Talk)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 10:00 AM
> Subject: Application variables

>> I've been on looking at a CF design pattern. In
>> this tutorial it talks about using your Application.cfm to call
>> _init.cfm, which parses through an xml file to create your application
>> variables. I've done this (very closely following the sample app). I've
>> created a page using cfdump to show me the application variables, but
>> when I change my xml doc and refresh my page the application variables
>> do not appear to update? Any ideas?
>> Cutter
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