See though the whole point is

>The Java file should be compiled
>under WEB-INF/classes/
>and you can invoke it with CFObject.

wouldn't need to happen.


Certified Organic
"When you put things in quotes, people think someone actually said it."
Scientia Est Potentia

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 2:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Java in CF (CFMX)

Here is an Example that works with CFMX. The Java file should be compiled
under WEB-INF/classes/
and you can invoke it with CFObject. Note i am using Macromedia drivers to
connect to Sql-Server.
This is rough sketch..if you want.. i can improvise this be
Dont forget to substitute your Database Name,server name, userid and
The method call returns a list of table names.

/*Java File*/

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;

public class MetaData{

 String driverName="macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver";
 String url="jdbc:macromedia:sqlserver://SqlServer:1433";
 String userid="YourUserid";
 String pwd="YourPassword";
 private String cat,schPattern,tblNPattern;
 private String tblTypes[];

 public void setParms(String c,String s, String t){
 if(c.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) cat=null; else cat=c;
 if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) schPattern=null; else schPattern=s;
 if(t.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) tblNPattern=null; else tblNPattern=t;
/*String driverName="";
 //String url="jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://SqlServer:1433";

 public String getTablesOnly(){
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,userid,pwd);
  DatabaseMetaData md = con.getMetaData();

  //String tbTypes[]={"TABLE","User"};
  ResultSet rs = md.getTables(cat,schPattern,tblNPattern,tblTypes);

  return sb.toString();
   }catch(Exception e){
    return e.toString();

 }//end getTablesOnly

 public static void main(String argv[]){
  MetaData m = new MetaData();

<!--- CF Code to get the tables --->
<cfobject action="create" class="MetaData" name="tables" type="JAVA">
I am not currently passsing any types.. but u can add them
<cfset tables.setParms("DBName","null","null")>
<cfdump var="#tables.getTablesOnly()#">

Hope this gives you an idea.

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 10:56:57 -0800 Dick Applebaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Joe
> Below is the Java source, originally caalled
> DBViewer.
> This is working code that I modified to use the
> CFMX cfsnippets db (The
> PointBase
> database shipped with the Linux distro).
> I want to accomplish the same thing within
> CFMX, and generalize it a
> bit so it will
> work with any JDBC driver and database,
> remote or local, on any platform.
> For remote dbs, there will be a stub program
> that determines the
> platform, CF
> version, etc. and Uses COM objects or the Java
> interface as needed.
> Requests and data are exchanged via WDDX
> packets.
> For local dbs the function could be included
> inline (for performance)
> or via the
> stub (for convenience)
> The problem statements are shown at:  30, 38,
> and 45.
> It is fairly easy to program equivalent CF
> code, but you can't pass
> nulls from CF.
> Given more time, I would probably do this:
>    Use a Java program (similar to this) to do
> the actual manipulation
>    of the JDBC driver.
>    Use a CF routine to interface the Java
> program:  providing input
>    paramaters for the desired db request;  and
> presentation of the
>    results
>    Use an alias (such as 'MyNull'), to exchange
> psuedo nulls between
>    CF and Java, as necessary
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Dick
> 1 //      public abstract ResultSet
> getIndexInfo(String catalog, String
> schema,        String table, boolean unique,
> boolean approximate)
> throws SQLException;
> 2 //      public abstract ResultSet
> getColumns(String catalog, String
> schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String
> columnNamePattern)
> throws SQLException;
> 3
> 4 import java.sql.*;
> 5 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
> 6 public class DBViewerPB {
> 7   final static String jdbcURL =
> "jdbc:pointbase:cfsnippets,database.home=/opt/coldfusionmx/db";
> 8   final static String jdbcDriver =
> "com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver";
> 9   final static String username = "PBPUBLIC";
> 10   final static String password = "PBPUBLIC";
> 11   public static void main(java.lang.String[]
> args) {
> 12     System.out.println("--- Database Viewer
> ---");
> 13
> 14     try {
> 15       Class.forName(jdbcDriver);
> 16       Connection con =
> DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL,
> username, password);
> 17       DatabaseMetaData dbmd =
> con.getMetaData(  );
> 18       System.out.println("Driver Name: " +
> dbmd.getDriverName(  ));
> 19       System.out.println("Database Product:
> " +
> dbmd.getDatabaseProductName(  ));
> 20       System.out.println("Database Version:
> " +
> dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion(  ));
> 21       System.out.println("SQL Keywords
> Supported:");
> 22       //StringTokenizer st = new
> StringTokenizer(dbmd.getSQLKeywords(  ), ",");
> 23       //while(st.hasMoreTokens(  ))
> 24       //  System.out.println(" " +
> st.nextToken(  ));
> 25
> 26       // Get a ResultSet that contains all
> of the tables in this
> database
> 27       // We specify a table_type of "TABLE"
> to prevent seeing system
> tables,
> 28       // views and so forth
> 29       String[] tableTypes = { "TABLE" };
> 30       ResultSet allTables =
> dbmd.getTables(null,null,null,tableTypes);
> 31       while(  )) {
> 32         String table_name =
> allTables.getString("TABLE_NAME");
> 33         System.out.println("Table Name: " +
> table_name);
> 34         System.out.println("Table Type:  " +
> allTables.getString("TABLE_TYPE"));
> 35         System.out.println("Indexes: ");
> 36         // Get a list of all the columns for
> this table
> 37         ResultSet columnList =
> 38
> dbmd.getColumns(null,null,table_name,null);
> 39         while(  )) {
> 40           System.out.println(" Column Name:
> "+columnList.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
> 41         }
> 42         columnList.close(  );
> 43         // Get a list of all the indexes for
> this table
> 44         ResultSet indexList =
> 45
> dbmd.getIndexInfo(null,null,table_name,false,false);
> 46         while(  )) {
> 47           System.out.println(" Index Name:
> "+indexList.getString("INDEX_NAME"));
> 48           System.out.println(" Column Name:
> "+indexList.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
> 49         }
> 50         indexList.close(  );
> 51       }
> 52       allTables.close(  );
> 53       con.close(  );
> 54     }
> 55     catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
> 56       System.out.println("Unable to load
> database driver class");
> 57     }
> 58     catch (SQLException e) {
> 59       System.out.println("SQL Exception: " +
> e.getMessage(  ));
> 60     }
> 61   }
> 62 }
> On Monday, November 25, 2002, at 08:42 AM, Joe
> Eugene wrote:
> > Dick,
> > Can we see your code? Cant you have a method
> that converts CF String
> > "null" to
> > Java String=null?
> >
> >> tried to invoke it with cfobject.  We could
> not
> >> make the interface work
> >> because we could not pass Nulls between CF
> and
> >> Java.
> >
> > Here is an example
> >
> > public class StringType{
> >   private String str;
> >   public String getString(String s){
> >    String val="";
> >    str=s;
> >    if(str.equals("null")){
> >    val="Your String was null, setting to null
>  now";
> >    str = null;
> >    val= val+ " " +"Now Java value is : "+ str
> +"";
> >    }
> >    return val;
> >   }
> > }
> >
> > You can invoke it with
> >  type="JAVA">
> >
> > #chkNull.getString("null")#
> >
> >
> > if you can post your code, we can try figure
> it out. Let me know.
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 06:54:03 -0800 Dick
> Applebaum
> > wrote:
> >
> >> On Monday, November 25, 2002, at 01:43 AM,
> >> Jochem van Dieten wrote:
> >>
> >>> Quoting Dave Carabetta :
> >>>>
> >>>> While I understand this isn't a feature
> that
> >> everybody would use, I
> >>>> would personally like to see MM focus on
> >> encapsulating some more Java
> >>>> features into easy-to-use black-box CF
> tags
> >> rather than having to code
> >>>> my own Java.
> >>>
> >>> I agree. For instance, it would be far
> better
> >> if CF had a tag to get at
> >>> the DatabaseMetaData interface instead of
> >> making it marginally easier
> >>> to
> >>> write it yourself by allowing inline Java.
> >>
> >> This is an excellent example & I expect that
> >> this will be one of the
> >> most-requested capabilities -- to be able to
> >> get DatabaseMetaData into
> >> CF.  I tried to do this, with help from Sean
> >> Corfield -- without
> >> success. I found a working Java program that
> >> extracts metadata, and
> >> tried to invoke it with cfobject.  We could
> not
> >> make the interface work
> >> because we could not pass Nulls between CF
> and
> >> Java.
> >>
> >> This is for a general-purpose developer
> utility
> >> that I use to
> >> manipulate databases.  It is especially
> useful
> >> on remote (shared) sites
> >> where  you don't have administrative
> >> privileges.
> >>
> >> I have been doing this a long time with CF
> 4.5
> >> and CF 5 on win
> >> platforms using cfobject to manipulate COM
> >> objects.
> >>
> >> But, I would like to be able to do the same
> >> thing with CFMX on
> >> non-windows platforms.
> >>
> >> Here's the difficulty:
> >>
> >> With CFMX:
> >>
> >> I can get at the equivalent of
> DatabaseMetaData
> >> on a remote windows
> >> box, using cfobject and COM objects.
> >>
> >> But, I can't get at the DatabaseMetaData on
> my
> >> local Unix (Mac OS X)
> >> developer machine -- you can't use COM
> objects
> >> and can't pass the Nulls
> >> to the Java program that gets the
> >> DatabaseMetaData.
> >>
> >> I suppose there is a way to circumvent the
> need
> >> to pass Nulls between
> >> CF and Java, but I have not had time to
> >> investigate this.
> >>
> >>> And especially from the point of view of
> >> security built-in tags are
> >>> better. All those JSP tags and Java classes
> >> are nice, but on a shared
> >>> server you need to disable them anyway
> >> because the same mechanism that
> >>> is used to access them can be used to break
> >> out of the sandbox.
> >>>
> >>
> >> Is this true for CFMXJ2ee on JRun, Websphere
> or
> >> whatever?
> >>
> >> I thought that one of the advantages of
> >> CFMXJ2ee on a J2ee-compliant
> >> app server, is the ability to interoperate
> >> between CF and Java programs.
> >>
> >> Will this be possible with Java access
> >> disabled?
> >>
> >> For the DatabaseMetaData example, I would
> >> prefer the CF tag approach.
> >>
> >> But, I still think it is valid to use Java,
> >> where warranted, on a
> >> developer machine.
> >>
> >>
> >> Dick
> >>
> >>
> >>> Jochem
> >>>
> >>
> >

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