Replace all ">" characters with "&gt;" and all "<" characters with "&lt;".
So you'd use:

        <CFSET dspOutput = Replace(output, ">", "&gt;", "ALL")>
        <CFSET dspOutput = Replace(dspOutput, "<", "&lt;", "ALL")>
        <textarea name="contents"><cfoutput>#output#</cfoutput></textarea>

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
Tel: (301) 625-9191
Fax: (301) 933-3651

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Reich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 9:26 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Writing a file with CFFILE
> > I'm guessing you're using MX ... Probably using setEncoding()
> whether you
> > specify ISO latin or UTF-8 on the form scope on the action page will
> resolve
> > the issue... I'd likely place it in the application.cfm and apply it to
> both
> > form and url.
> Thanks! That fixed that problem. I have another one now....
> If I call a file like this...
> <cffile action="READ" file="#page#" variable="output">
> .. then display it like this....
> <textarea name="contents"><cfoutput>#output#</cfoutput></textarea>
> .. I run into a problem if the variable output has a textarea tag
> contained
> within it. It sees the closing textarea tag in the output variable as the
> closing tag for the textarea used to display the variable. All code after
> the closing textarea is executed in the browser.
> Example:
> output = <textarea name="foo">This is some text</textarea><br>Then some
> other stuff
> <textarea name="contents'><cfoutput>#output#</cfoutput></textarea>
> ..equals....
> <textarea name="contents'></textarea><br>Then some other stuff</textarea>
> I get a textarea with this:
> <textarea name="foo">This is some text
> .Then some other stuff. Kind of a bitch to explain. Help!
> TIA,
> Steve
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