Run the code... then tell me it still won't work that way. Is it possible
you're wrong?


-----Original Message-----
From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 1:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Writing a file with CFFILE

umm... no ...

htmleditformat() converts potentially harmful characters ( <,> " etc ) into
html entities. An html entity is used to place characters in the display of
an html page which aren't supposed to be allowed ( although browsers often
if not usually allow them anyway ) in an html document without being part of
an html tag. htmleditformat(0 is a one-way conversion. You can of course,
unhtmleditformat() a variable manually, however, doing so prevents you from
placing proper html entities in the field since they would likely all be
converted back into the <>" etc which aren't supposed to appear in properly
formatted html documents.

<cfsavecontent variable="myvar">
  <textarea name="helloworld"></textarea>

        <div>myvar = #myvar#</div>
        <div>htmleditformat(myvar) = #htmleditformat(myvar)#</div>

since these 2 lines are not the same, and the contents of a textarea field
are passed literally ( they're not translated by the form submission ), the
content of myvar becomes what you see on line 2 after it's been converted
the first time with htmleditformat().

Unless this is a very new feature of CFMX that I've not heard about which
automatically reverts the string after a form submission. Although I would
doubt it considering that this would prevent people being able to enter html
entities into form fields and get html entities on the action page.

Off the top of my head, I'm not sure what's up with your example -- I
haven't tested it on my machine. If it is working, one of two things are
happening -- there's more code involved than in your example ( an
application.cfm maybe ) _or_ there's a bug somewhere, because it's not
supposed to work that way.

s. isaac dealey                954-776-0046

new epoch            

lead architect, tapestry cms

certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer

> Actually.... yes. Run this code in a blank page and save all day. Check
> the
> results in studio. As was my original problem, you are over thinking this.
> This is exactly what HTMLEditFormat() was designed for. Hope this clear up
> the confusion....

> <!--- Snip --->
> <cfif isDefined('form.fieldnames')>
> <cffile action="WRITE" file="#PATH_TRANSLATED#" output="#form.display#"
> addnewline="Yes">
> </cfif>
> <cffile action="READ" file="#PATH_TRANSLATED#" variable="output">
> <form name="frmDisplay" action="<cfoutput>#SCRIPT_NAME#</cfoutput>"
> method="post">
> <textarea name="display"
> style="width:500px;height:400px"><cfoutput>#HTMLEditFormat(output)#</cfout
> pu
> t></textarea><br>
> <input type="submit" value="Update">
> </form>
> <!--- Snip --->

> Steve

> -----Original Message-----
> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 1:05 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Writing a file with CFFILE

> umm... no ...

> Try this

> <input type="text" name="name" value="#htmleditformat(myvar)#">

> Then type 'Jim "the Man" davis' into that form field, drop it into a
> persistent variable or a database, retrieve it from that location and
> populate the form with it (as above), submit the form and save it to the
> same place. It _does_ change the content. You wind up with 'Jim &quot;the
> Man&quot; Davis' as your content.

> I've seen people sometimes use ReplaceNoCase() to convert &quot; and other
> html entities into double-quotes on the action page, but then no-one can
> enter an html entity in the form field, because those get converted.

> It's a lose-lose situation.

> Same story with textareas.

> <textarea name="myhtml"><cfoutput>#mytextarea#</cfoutput></textarea>

> Do the same thing you did with the text field here, only instead of
> double-quotes, this time enter '<textarea
> name="somethingelse"></textarea>'
> into the field. After you've edited it once, you no longer have html
> content
> you now have &lt;textarea
> name=&quot;somethingelse&quot;&gt;&lt;/textarea&gt; ...

> I don't make this stuff up.

> s. isaac dealey                954-776-0046

> new epoch            

> lead architect, tapestry cms

> certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer

>> is. I am using just as you described and it is perfect!

>> Thanks,
>> Steve

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kwang Suh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 10:51 AM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: RE: Writing a file with CFFILE

>> Used properly, HTMLEditFormat() does not change the content.

>> If you type "Hello & Goodbye", into a form field, once submitted, it
>> becomes:

>> "Hello & Goodbye"

>> So, this is what you insert into the database.

>> Now, when you *display* the contents of that form field, *if* you *don't*
>> want the browser to parse it, then use HTMLEditFormat().

>> For instance, let's say we let the user edit that text again in a form
>> field.  Using HTMLEditFormat() within the value attribute of a form
>> field,
>> you will get:

>> &quot;Hello &amp; Goodbye&quot;

>> *But* when the form is submitted, you get:

>> "Hello & Goodbye"

>> Using HTMLEditFormat() *is* the perfect, easy solution!

>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 7:36 AM
>>> To: CF-Talk
>>> Subject: RE: Writing a file with CFFILE
>>> You mean enabled -- or doesn't disable js... This is true -- but it's
>>> the
>>> only way I know of to preserve the original format of the text,
>>> including
>>> html, and allow it to be updated after the fact. HTMLEditFormat() or any
>>> other kind of string manipulation going into the form field will
>>> change the
>>> content in some way after the first edit. So there really is no perfect
>>> solution -- either you lose the original format, or you rely on
>>> javascript
>>> which could potentially be disabled.
>>> > Unless the client has JS disabled.  Then this method won't
>>> > work at all.
>>> > --
>>> > Mosh Teitelbaum
>>> > evoch, LLC
>>> > Tel: (301) 625-9191
>>> > Fax: (301) 933-3651
>>> > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> > WWW:
>>> >> -----Original Message-----
>>> >> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>> >> Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 11:07 PM
>>> >> To: CF-Talk
>>> >> Subject: RE: Writing a file with CFFILE
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Not necessarily. Assuming you want to be able to enter
>>> >> text areas and the
>>> >> like (or any html actually) in your textarea, using
>>> >> htmledit format will
>>> >> allow you to enter it once -- but never update it after
>>> >> the fact because
>>> >> when you save it the 2nd time, it's no longer html code.
>>> >> The email I just
>>> >> sent off a moment ago explains a method (afaik the only
>>> >> method) of
>>> >> preserving the content in its original format, so it's
>>> >> still
>>> >> viable as html
>>> >> even after it's been saved several times.
>>> >>
>>> >> > Nevermind... I'm an idiot over thinking the basics...
>>> >> > HTMLEditFormat()..!
>>> >>
>>> >> > hehe,
>>> >> > Steve
>>> >>
>>> >> > -----Original Message-----
>>> >> > From: Steve Reich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>> >> > Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 9:26 PM
>>> >> > To: CF-Talk
>>> >> > Subject: RE: Writing a file with CFFILE
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> >> I'm guessing you're using MX ... Probably using
>>> >> >> setEncoding() whether you
>>> >> >> specify ISO latin or UTF-8 on the form scope on the
>>> >> >> action page will
>>> >> > resolve
>>> >> >> the issue... I'd likely place it in the
>>> >> >> application.cfm
>>> >> >> and apply it to
>>> >> > both
>>> >> >> form and url.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> > Thanks! That fixed that problem. I have another one
>>> >> > now....
>>> >>
>>> >> > If I call a file like this...
>>> >>
>>> >> > <cffile action="READ" file="#page#" variable="output">
>>> >>
>>> >> > . then display it like this....
>>> >>
>>> >> > <textarea
>>> >> > name="contents"><cfoutput>#output#</cfoutput></textarea
>>> >> > >
>>> >>
>>> >> > . I run into a problem if the variable output has a
>>> >> > textarea tag contained
>>> >> > within it. It sees the closing textarea tag in the
>>> >> > output
>>> >> > variable as the
>>> >> > closing tag for the textarea used to display the
>>> >> > variable.
>>> >> > All code after
>>> >> > the closing textarea is executed in the browser.
>>> >>
>>> >> > Example:
>>> >>
>>> >> > output = <textarea name="foo">This is some
>>> >> > text</textarea><br>Then some
>>> >> > other stuff
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> > <textarea
>>> >> > name="contents'><cfoutput>#output#</cfoutput></textarea
>>> >> > >
>>> >>
>>> >> > .equals....
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> > <textarea name="contents'></textarea><br>Then some
>>> >> > other
>>> >> > stuff</textarea>
>>> >>
>>> >> > I get a textarea with this:
>>> >> > <textarea name="foo">This is some text
>>> >>
>>> >> > Then some other stuff. Kind of a bitch to explain.
>>> >> > Help!
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> > TIA,
>>> >> > Steve
>>> >>
>>> >>
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>>> >>
>>> >> s. isaac dealey                954-776-0046
>>> >>
>>> >> new epoch            
>>> >>
>>> >> lead architect, tapestry cms
>>> >>
>>> >> certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer
>>> >>
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>>> s. isaac dealey                954-776-0046
>>> new epoch            
>>> lead architect, tapestry cms
>>> certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer


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