
Thanks for the reply.

Except for some custom modules I am not concerned with at this time, the
main application really only uses heavy SQL on one page (the one where it
places all the structures in the application scope). There it runs 26
queries, all of which take some time to run and return large amounts of

The funny thing is, there has never been an error on this page. It always
runs as expected, the errors come on other pages.

Right now, the average time for a page to generate in the system is just
under 60 ms (but I think this is going up with the new data locking scheme).

There are no CFX tags in this part of the application (there is an ArcIMS
interface, part of a custom module I have put off dealing with until the
main application is under control).

I did just rewrite the application in Fusebox, though, which makes use of
custom tags in the core files...

Hopefully this is not the problem. The application is running on CF 4.5 on


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 1:26 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Server Problems When Code is Not Locked (was RE:
Application vari ables)

In my experience, PCode errors were usually the result of not using cflocks
where needed.  IMHO, you are on the right track moving schtuff to the
request scope.  From an earlier posting by Mike Brunt, and what  I do in my
apps, I'd suggest using 

In Application.cfm

<cflock scope="SESSION" timeout="30" type="READONLY">
                <cfset structappend(request,Duplicate(session))>

In OnRequestEnd.cfm

<cflock scope="SESSION" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="30">
        <cfset structAppend(session,Duplicate(request))>

The onrequestend bit adds any NEW vars you introduced in the request scope
to be added to the session scope.  This way you need only use CFLOCK twice
in your whole application.  Be careful of CFABORT use with this though.  

As for these errors
>Request cancelled or ignored by serverServer busy or unable to fulfill
>request. The server is unable to fulfill your request due to 
>extremely high
>traffic or an unexpected internal error.

Check your page 'weight'.  Are you running heavy SQL?  CFX tags?  You may
need to tweak your SQL to run better and also play with the number of
simultaneous request limit in the CFADMIN tool.  What you set this at
depends on what your app does.  I have it set to 10 threads per CPU as my
app is very DB intense.  Others set this to 3-4 per CPU.  Also look at your
request timeout limit.  



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