When you're laying out a page, it's often best to get the HTML right before adding 
functionality. The "HTML Validator" at http://www.w3c.org can help you locate missing 
<tr> tags and the like. 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Joshua Miller 
  To: CF-Talk 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 3:38 PM
  Subject: Re: Need help with missing submit buttons

  This may not be the problem, but the bottom TR has only 2 TDs that  
  contain buttons .... the TR above that has 3 TDs

  On Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at 03:49 PM, Clark, Aimee wrote:

  > Ok, for some reason, my submit buttons are not showing up at the  
  > bottom of
  > my page. This is the code for the page in question. Can someone tell  
  > me why
  > this is happening?
  > <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
  > <html>
  > <head>
  > <title>Conflicts Check Request Continued</title>
  > </head>
  > <cfif IsDefined("Conflict_ID")>
  > <cfquery datasource="Conflicts" name="GetConflictID">
  > Select Conflict_ID from ConflictsCheck
  > where (Conflict_ID=#Conflict_ID#)
  > </cfquery>
  > <cfelse>
  > <cfquery datasource="Conflicts" name="GetConflictID">
  > Select Conflict_ID from ConflictsCheck
  > where (SubmitterEmail='#SubmitterEmail#' AND
  > EntryDateTime=#EntryDateTime#)
  > </cfquery>
  > </cfif>
  > <body text="green">
  > <table>
  > <td width="25%"><a href="HelpDeskFrame.htm" target="_parent"  
  > title="Return
  > to Daily News Home Page"><img src="../images/SMH3.jpg" border="0"
  > alt="Return to Firm Daily News" width="200" height="100"></a></td>
  > <td><div align="center"><font color="CA0000"><h2>Conflicts Check  
  > Request
  > Continued</h2></font></div></td>
  > </table>
  > <div align="center"><h4 align="center"><font color="black">If you need  
  > to
  > enter more than the allotted fields provided please choose Add More at  
  > the
  > bottom of the page.</h4></font></div>
  > <cfform action= "OtherParties.cfm" method= "post">
  > <table width="100%" border="1" bgcolor="#000000">
  > <tr>
  > <td><strong>(#1)  Name of Adverse Party:</strong></td>
  > <td><cfinput type="Text" name="AdverseParty1" required="Yes"  
  > size="66"></td>
  > </tr>
  > <tr>
  > <td><strong> (#1)  Address of Adverse Party:</strong></td>
  > <td><textarea cols="50" rows="3"  
  > name="AdverseAddress1"></textarea></td>
  > </tr>
  > </table>
  > <table width="100%" border="1" bgcolor="#800000">
  > <td><strong>(#2)  Name of Adverse Party:</strong></td>
  > <td><cfinput type="Text" name="AdverseParty2" required="No"  
  > size="66"></td>
  > </tr>
  > <tr>
  > <td><strong>(#2)  Address of Adverse Party:</strong></td>
  > <td><textarea cols="50" rows="3"  
  > name="AdverseAddress2"></textarea></td>
  > </tr>
  > </table>
  > <table>
  > <tr>
  > <td><input type="hidden" name="SubmitterEmail"
  > value="<cfoutput>#SubmitterEmail#</cfoutput>"></td>
  > <td><input type="hidden" name="EntryDateTime"
  > value="<cfoutput>#EntryDateTime#</cfoutput>"></td>
  > <td><input type="hidden" name="Conflict_ID"
  > value="<cfoutput>#Conflict_ID#</cfoutput>"></td>
  > </tr>
  > <tr>
  > <td align="left"><input type="submit" name="Operation" value="Add
  > More"></td>
  > <td align="right"><input type="submit" name="Operation"
  > value="Continue"></td>
  > </tr>
  > </table>
  > </body>
  > </cfform>
  > </html>
  > Thank you,
  > Aimee' Clark
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