This is indirectly related to CFMX in several ways, here's one.

The CFMX administrator uses a Java applet in several places to browse 
the file structure, for example, mappings.  The applet seems to work 
OK, displaying the directory tree and expanding/collapsing folders.

However, when you hit the "Apply" button to chose the selected 
Directory path, you get the following JavaScript error:

   Error: document.TreeControl.currentPath is not a function
   Source File:
   Line: 132

I have shown all the pieces, below.

The trouble does not appear to be with the applet.  Rather, it appears 
that JavaScript is not treating
the method:


in the Java applet as a function.

Since I don't have the source for MM's Java applet, I tried a similar 
construct with Java applets downloaded from several sites (where I did 
have the source).

They all failed on 3 different browsers;  IE 5.2, NN 7.0, Chimera 0.6 
(Mac OS X).

The error is similar to the error in the CFMX Administrator.  
appletname.methodname is not a function.

The method that the JavaScript was trying to invoke was defined in the 
applet similar to (from one applet):

   public void changeString(String aString) {
        sText = aString;

And the JavaScript statement, causing the error, similar to:

   appletname.changeString('Hello There');

   (where applet was the name from the applet tag).

Apparently, JavaScript has a bug -- but on three different browsers?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


Below is the code from the CFMX Administrator Mappings frame.

The relevant parts of the source code are:

The JavaScript function -- the first  statemement in the function 
causes the JavaScript error (unterlined)
     <script language="JavaScript">
       function GetSelectedPath() {
         document.FileDialogForm.newDirectoryPath.value =


The Java applet definition:

     <applet archive="../classes/cfadmin.jar"
       width=325 height=275 name="TreeControl">

       <param name="ApplicationClass"
       <param name="ShowFiles" value="No">
       <param name="Extensions" value="">
       <param name="DefaultPath" value="">
       <param name="ServerCaption" value="">
       <param name="Border" value="Yes">
       <param name="VScroll" value="Yes">
       <param name="passkey" value="581a452e21">
       <param name="OS" value="UNIX">

       This applet displays a file-tree of the server
       to enable the user to browse its contents.
       Your browser is not configured correctly to use
       java applets.  Please install the Java Runtime
       Environment (JRE) and be sure to install the
       browser plugins.


The "Apply: button:

     <input type="button" name="TreeSubmitApply"
       value="Apply" onclick="GetSelectedPath()">

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