Is there a limit to the total amount of information stored in client
variables per user?
I am having random client variables become undefined for no reason.  It is
not consistently the same variable, it's not a loss of state issue as we
have cfid/cftoken in the url and I'm allowing cookies to be set in my
browser as well.
<cfloop list="#getclientvariableslist()#" index="i">
            <cfset variables.testvar = variables.testvar &
evaluate("client." & i)>
<cfdump var="#len(variables.testvar)#">
The length of variables.testvar = 66817, which makes me wonder if I am
hitting a 65000 limit somewhere.
We are storing client variables in a sql2k db.  I have tried upping the Long
Text Buffer Size up to the max it will allow(999999), but this doesn't seem
to help.  (I'm not sure if it should or not, but something to try).  Does
the cf service need to be restarted for this change to take effect?
What else might be causing this?  The macromedia forums don't seem to have
any entries similiar to this, but it's hard to believe no one has hit this
limit before.
Matthew P. Smith 
Web Developer, Object Oriented 
Naval Education & Training Professional 
Development & Technology Center 
(850)452-1001 ext. 1245 

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