Thanks Olga...with a little more tweaking and your code everything works!

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Olla Ts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 8:15 PM
>Subject: Re: login counter
><cfif IsDefined("form.Email") AND Len(Trim(Form.Email))>
>    <cfset Variables.Email = Trim(Form.Email)>
>    <cfquery name="Getcb" datasource="freecb">
>        SELECT email, Login
>        FROM freecb
>        WHERE email = '#Variables.Email#'
>    </cfquery>
>    <cfif Getcb.RecordCount GT 0>
>        <cfset Variables.LoginCount = Getcb.Login + 1>
>        <cfquery name="UpdateCount" datasource="freecb">
>            Update freecb
>            SET Login = #Variables.LoginCount#
>        </cfquery>
>    </cfif>
>    <cflocation url="" addtoken="No"> <!---
>;) --->
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Robert Orlini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 10:25 AM
>Subject: login counter
>| Hello,
>| I'm trying to create a counter for each time a user submits
>their email
>| address to login to our service via an html page. They would
>enter their
>| email address where it would get verified and then a "1" would
>be added to
>| their login column. This would keep track of how many times
>they logged in.
>| The code is below, but is not too accurate. Is there an easier
>| <cfquery name="Getcb" datasource="freecb">
>| SELECT * FROM freecb
>| Where email = email
>| <CFIF #email# IS NOT "">
>| And email Like ''
>| </CFIF>
>| </cfquery>
>| <cfquery name="Getcb" datasource="freecb">
>| Update freecb
>| Set Login = Login + 1
>| Where email = ''
>| </cfquery>
>| Thanks.
>| Robert O.
>| Web Admin
>| ---------------------------------------------------------------
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