Just tried

<table width="600" align="center" style="page-break-inside: never">

That seems to have no affect.


Chris Giminez
Owner - Cyber Scriber Web Site Design
ICQ# 2628000

> I have
>                 P, TABLE  {
>                 page-break-after: auto;
> in the style block in the head
> Then...
> <cfoutput query="project_list">
> <p>
> <table width="600" align="center">
> ..... bunch of <tr>'s and <td>'s  (never more than a 3rd of a page)
> </table>
> </p>
> </cfoutput>
> I want to be sure the content of a single table will not break when
> but this is not working. As it is now, it's breaking whenever the page
> I have tried it with and without just the <table> being in the style
> Nothing I have tried works. Anyone know why this isn't working?
> Thanks a bunch!
> --
> Chris Giminez
> Owner - Cyber Scriber Web Site Design
> 831-728-4469
> ICQ# 2628000

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