
I have just been trying what you suggested, and it works but not 100% as of

If the login is successfull I set a session variable in the login check page

<cfset session.security = "#Security.Division#">

'the division variable is from the itadmin table' and contains teama, teamb

Then in the actual linkdisplay page I use the following query

<CFQUERY name="list" datasource="intranetv8">
 FROM itlinks
 WHERE linkarea='#URL.area#'
 security = 'all'

However this is not working, I am not getting any error messages, just I
cant see the link I have just added even though I should as my security
field in my itlinks table is the same as my session variable from the
varaiable I set up from my login information when I logged in.

Cant really see why this is occuring?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Candace Cottrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Personaliztion with Coldfusion ?

> On your login page you'd set the session variable.
> If the login is successful.....
> <cfset session.views = "#queryName.Division#">
> Then you'd use the following on the page that displays the documents
> <CFQUERY name="docs" datasource="intranetv8">
> SELECT docid, doctitle, docsummary, docpath, docView_type
> FROM itdocs
> WHERE category2='#URL.category2#'
> views='#session.views#'
> OR
> views = 'all'
> Any of the "big dogs" please correct me if I'm wrong ;)
> Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
> The Children's Medical Center
> One Children's Plaza
> Dayton, OH 45404
> 937-641-4293
> http://www.childrensdayton.org
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/3/2002 10:00:03 AM >>>
> I am still using Coldfusion 4.5, so CFMX is not a practical solution in
> the
> short term.
> So from what has been suggested.
> Yes I have a field called views in the documents (itdocs) table.  When
> they
> add the document through a html form there is a select box field with
> 3
> options the user has to select
> <option value=teama>Available to Team A</option>
> <option value=teamb>Available to Team B</option>
> <option value=all>Available to Everybody</option>
> The value they select populates the views field in the documents
> (itdocs)
> table.
> When you state you can set up a session variable.  Where would this
> value
> come from?
> In the user table holding their profile information there is a field
> called
> division.  This contains either Teama or Teamb for each user.
> So could this be used?
> And is the above the most efficient way of creating as Ben Forta calls
> it
> Explicit Personalization ?? or are there better more elegant approaches
> of
> achieving the above?  Because the same (i.e. who is able to view the
> content) would have to be done for when a user adds a record to the
> download
> table or a news article.
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